Seanghay Yath
I build software products, and I'm currently focusing on natural language processing.
Work email: seanghay.dev@gmail.com
These are list of publicly available products that I have/had been contributing to.
An offical Digital Verification Platform for Cambodia.
verify.gov.khPi Pay
One of the first mobile payment solutions in Cambodia.
The first mobile app to raise awareness about diabetes in Cambodia.
play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=kh.info.carnetdiaKoh Santepheap Daily
An Andorid client for Koh Santepheap Daily news.
play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=kh.com.kohsantepheapdailyOpen Source
I regularly publish my open source projects on GitHub (opens in a new tab) and Hugging Face (opens in a new tab).
Work Experience
- Develop Koh App, Facetaste Web apps and internal tools.
- Automate deployment pipelines.
- Build GraphQL and REST API for developers.
- Analyze product design.
- Manage Ubuntu servers.
- Build Telegram bots for internal use.
- Lead the development of Pi Pay Android apps (POS & Customer).
- Optimize app performance and decrease app build speed.
- Design API requirements and documentation.
- Get involved in product design.
- Work with SOAP and REST API.
- Setup deployment pipelines for development team and QA team.
- Build a technical documentation website for internal use.
- Build a video editing app for Android.
- Communicate directly with overseas clients.
- Analyze product requirements.
- Work closely with UX/UI designers.
Build dashboard for Ministry of Economy and Finance using Angular 6+
- Provide API requirements to API developers.
- Work with data visualization frameworks.
- Parse complex spreadsheet data.
Build a Khmer Chhankitek Calendar libraries for JavaScript, C# and Kotlin and also build a MS Words plugin.
- Develop a realtime chat app using web sockets.
- Automate deployment pipelines with GitLab CI/CD.
- Automate daily tasks with C#.
- Build a unified report generator for internal use..
- Troubleshoot computer errors for employees.
Support printers, fingerprints, networking and computer-related issues.
- Manage Facebook pages.
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2023 © Seanghay Yath